Influence, lobby and Petition

Sustainable living is an important first step, but this alone will not bring about the change we so urgently need.

Make time in your diary to contact a number of organisations and individuals, building up relationships and help them bring influence within their field of work.


Open up dialogue with local politicians and your MP. Do they understand the crisis? Ask if they have read the 14 point summary of climate science, from There is No Planet B.

Seek training on how best to work with MPs from organisations such as Hope for the Future (A Rocha) or through regional offices of Christian Aid or join with others through Greenpeace to keep our environment at the top of the agenda.

Business Leaders

Contact your CEO/Managing Director (and other business leaders you come in contact with). What is their approach to sustainability and what are they doing in response the crisis? Encourage them to read There is No Planet B.


As you go about your shopping, challenge them about unsustainable packaging, and the source of goods they are stocking. For example, when at the supermarket (and restaurants) challenge them where their food comes from (see My Actions), explain why this important and (if not right) ask them to change.


Help support campaigns (sign-up to their newsletters) and join in with their petitions. Consider enlisting the help of friends, family and your church, to add their signature.


Get involved in campaigns that are working for a fairer global economic system and opposing unfair trade deals, such as Global Justice Now and Tearfund campaign Renew Our World. If you can’t do it yourself, then give, and encourage others.

Further Resources

External website resources that can help influencing others:

Christian Aid campaigns

Tearfund campaigns

Greenpeace campaigns

Campaign against Climate Change

Green Christian campaigns

Members of the Climate Coalition and sign-up for their newsletter

Future Generations Bill

Ellen MacArthur Foundation